Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just One Of Those People

We all at one time in our lives have worked with someone that we just can't stand. When we get into work and there is no sight of that dreadful person we say a little prayer that they don't show up...ever. 10 minutes pass and they still haven't walked through the door yet but before you can even say a prayer of thanks you hear that voice that just tears up your soul! Your stomach literally drops. There is murder in your eyes...okay not really because you can barely kill a snake crossing the road with your car because the guilt is too much and you just want to love all creatures. 

 automatically ruined.
 (Cue dramatic music because if there is anytime like now for dramatic this moment)

Now these people we just can't stand come in all shapes and sizes. They could look like the sweetest person you've ever laid eyes on or that jock/or cheerleader from high school that everyone loved or creeper status guy/gal...but underneath their clothes (Shakira Shakira) is a demon that only you can see. Their true face is only shown to you because everyone else around you sees this fairytale bullsh*t of a person. And only in their eyes this person can do no wrong. Why the burden had to be put on you to see the true side of this person is unknown, but it's your mission to let everyone know that there is a monster in their midst...............and because you don't want to be alone in this.

So you're probably wondering what does my person look like and act like that just pushes me to insanity. Well, this person looks like your average gal. Looks like the person that is willing to go out of their way to help without being asked. (She just walk into work..50 minutes late may I add!!!) She looks like a good listener, kind, and thoughtful to how you are feeling. SHE IS NONE OF THESE THINGS! She almost had me tricked but man I pulled those blinders down right as I smelled bullsh*t in the air son!! You ever get those feelings off discomfort (not talking about gas pains) where you know something just isn't right about a person? That's how I feel...every time she gets within 20 feet of me. Dude, you're probably like, "You didn't give her a chance!" or "You're not trying to understand her." Actually nooooo I tried! I tried to see past her past those things that piss me off but there is only so much a person can take when that person keeps screwing you over. The work environment should be a place where you do what you're paid to do and if you need help you know that you can ask a co-worker to help you out because you would do the same for them. It's a TEAM effort! Well it ain't that way with her. She says she needs help so my co-workers and I help her thinking she is going to be right there with us trying to figure things out or put things together. NOPE she just hands us her work and goes off somewhere. HELL! I better be getting paid double if I'm doing her work load as well. Now flip it around and ask her for help and she says, "Oh sorry, I have to stay here because I have a lot of emails to respond to." WHAT?! Girl I answer my emails right as I get into work or as they come in. It doesn't take all day to freaking answer an email! Plus it is expected of all of us to help out with events that involve our office...but not for her. Where is it written that she gets excluded? I would like to see that piece of paper!

Well you would think I was done with my little post but I am not. There are so many things I could many stories. Like how she only talks about herself. While we are all try to work in our offices we struggle to because the only voice we can her is her's. She talks extremely loud! She wants us to hear her....she wants us to know about her night...she wants us to know about her dating life that really is non existent. I just closed the door and I can still hear her. Ahhhhhhh.

Okay I am done...for now.
To be continued....

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